Learn how to begin your own blog in just an hour. Follow these simple steps to become a blogger now. The blog we have created has been viewed by more than 20 million visitors.

Five Easy Steps to Be a Blogger
Choose your blog name and get your blog hosting.
Create your blog now by adding WordPress.
Pick a simple theme for your blog to make it your individual.
Use two of the most popular blogging plugins to find your readers and track stats.
Create compelling content that will create a blog that your readers will enjoy.
How did we get started with this blog?
Want to create something meaningful? Create a blog! Why should you not begin your own blog? Ryan and I have made the most perfect decision in the creation of this blog. Mybloginsta is how we go about making a living. More important, it's how we add value to the lives of others.
You're considering beginning a blog but aren't sure how to start. You're not alone! We weren't either! We had a desire to start an Instagram blog for ourselves to express our opinions and share our thoughts prior to when we became "The Minimalists". However we were overwhelmed by all the choices.
Clueless, confused, and confused by the choices, we had no idea what to do about starting blogging or even how to be a blogger. What is the best time to start? What is the best way to get a domain name registered? What exactly is hosting? What platform for blogging is best for you? What are the best ways to choose a theme for a blog? What is a plugin? What should we write about it? We're not even able to spell HTML!
It appears that starting a blog is more simple than you thought. We've learned a number of lessons along our climb to millions of people who read our blog. You can now take what we've learned and use it to ease the hassle of setting up your blog.
How to Create a Profitable Blog in 5 Steps
Choose your blog name and get your blog hosting.
Add WordPress to your blog.
To make your blog stand out Choose a simple design.
Include two important blogging plugins that will help you find your followers and track your the number of followers.
Write engaging content to make a blog that readers love.
While there are several other platforms for blogging out available, such as Blogger.com and Tumblr.com Nearly every serious blogger uses a self-hosted WordPress site because of its creativity and freedom of choice.
The Minimalists use WordPress because it gives us more control over the design and feel of our blogs, more flexibility than other platform. WordPress is .
How to Blog: 20 Blogging Tips to Enhance Your Writing
We receive many emails seeking advice on how to start a blog, about blog topics as well as about how to write meaningful content. While the majority of this essay covered how to create a blog, it's only one of the steps. It's now time to begin writing and publishing your blog's content.
Here are 20 helpful tips to help newbies begin blogging.
Find Your Niche. While you don't have to find a niche, it's helpful. In the beginning of learning to become a blogger, it's important to determine what interests you the most. Running? Cooking? Being a parent? Did you find your passion? If so, whatever it is, blog about that. Find your passion first. However, what we really mean by this is that: don't create a blog about something unless you have an unique viewpoint. If you've been living a simple life and have a unique perspective, then by all means do it.
Define Your Ideal Readers. Once you've identified your subject matter, it's important to identify the people who will be visiting your blog. We write about how to live a fulfilling and meaningful life with a baby. Our ideal readers are those who are looking to explore the idea of minimalism to clear the way for more satisfying lives.If you're planning to share your story of your new baby growing up, that's wonderful: your ideal readers are likely your family and friends. You can also write about the process of restoring old cars. Your blog should be tailored to meet the requirements of your readers, regardless of whether they are your family members or members of your local community.
Create value. Your blog's content must add value to its readers life. It is your goal to assist people overcome their issues. This is the way to attract high-quality readers to your site and keep returning. Offering value is the only way to ensure that someone will continue to support you over the long-term. We've learned this from a decade of leading and managing employees in the corporate world. In all you write is it worth asking yourself: Is this adding value?
Be unique. Yes, there are other blogs that cover the same thing you want to write about. Your blog is different and why is that? Answer: It's because of you. You are what is unique about your blog. It's all about you, your imagination and the value you add to your blog.
Create something interesting. Write interesting blog posts. Particularly if you want people to share it with others.
Be yourself. One of the most interesting aspects is telling your story. Everyone is different and your story is a significant one. It is crucial to cut out unnecessary details in storytelling which can make it dull. The great storyteller will remove 99% of the details that aren't relevant and leave the interesting 1% to the reader.
Be Honest. Your blog must be authentic, and it must feel authentic if you would like people to read it. You can be your blog or it could be you. That is how authentic are you in the stuff you write about? If not, the readers will notice the flaws. "Be the change you want to see across the globe," is the famous Gandhi quote. Bloggers must create the blog they enjoy to write for the rest of the world.
Transparency. Being transparent is different from being honest. Transparency is not the same as honesty. There aren't any photos of us in bathrooms because everything we write must be for the good of the community.
Time. Time. Instead, concentrate on writing.
Vision. Vision. We are both novices and neither was ever involved in design prior to starting our blog. If you don't know what you would like your blog to appear it's hard to make a beautiful one.
Discover Your Voice. Good writers find their voice in time, and their writing begins to develop a flow that appeals to their readers. Finding your voice helps your writing seem more authentic it more real and urgent. For more reading read our blog post on Finding Your Voice.
We are not you. Use the first-person plural when it is possible. Particularly when discussing negative traits or behaviors, statements of we and our are stronger than those of you and your. The accusatory tone of first person is much more persuasive. It's not a God-like relationship.
When to post. What is the ideal day and time to post blog posts? Answer: It doesn't matter. We don't adhere to any particular schedule for the day, but we do publish at least once a week as consistency is essential. You needn't get bogged down with the specifics, though.
Social Media. We suggest using Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to connect with your readers. But be careful not to engage too much. Focus on the writing first and then social media later.
Negative Criticisms and insanity are ignored. We get number of negative feedback and questions from ignorant people who don't actually read our blog. ("You're not really minimalists! ").We call these people seagulls: They fly in to your blog, leave a mess on it and then leave. We're not worried about them because they didn't create our blog. Remove their comment and proceed with your life.
Research. Research is the most important aspect. The reason why we're capable of using many useful and relevant websites in our writing is because we put in the time to research our subjects.
Keep It Simple. This is the reason minimalistism can be used when starting any blog, irrespective of the type of blog. It is not necessary to add unnecessary adverts or widgets everywhere on your site. Be simple and eliminate any unnecessary advertisements or widgets.
Picture. Your blog should include a photo of you. People love to see the person who is behind the blog author. You don't have to be worried when two individuals who hail from Dayton, Ohio, are not afraid to share their photos on their blog.
Comments. If you're going to have comments on your site, then read The Five Words That Can Kill Your Blog by Scott Stratten.
Live Your Life. Blogs are about your life and you. However, it is important to live your life. There are things that are always prioritised before writing: health, exercise, relationships, experiences, personal development, and contribution. Simply put, you need to live a life that is worth writing about.
15 Reasons to Start a Blog
Following the Joshua Becker's 15 reasons I believe you Should Blog We were compelled to study this subject and then create. In it, he discusses 15 reasons to start your own blog.
The keyword. Importantly, Becker writes about the purpose of blogging and not just how to get started with the blog. This is what many of the others "blogs on blogging" are missing that is, they don't understand the main reason--the reasons behind creating blogs.
Here is a summary of our three favorite reasons from Becker's list of
You'll become a better writer. Writing is communication at the core. It is about recording thoughts on paper, and influencing others to share their thoughts," writes Becker. "To achieve this, writing (just as every other type of communication that's ever existed) improves with practice. Blogging will not require you to become an improved writer. It will simply happen as you practice it. You will be an improved writer for the rest of your life, no matter if you're writing for a book or a presentation, or creating an anniversary gift card. Spot on! This isn't just a fantastic way to improve your blog's writing, but it's an excellent opportunity to improve all aspects of your writing from business emails and text messages to the novel you've been fantasizing about.
Meet strangers. Becker writes "Whether you're using email, comments, or even social media, you may surprise you by the speed at which people can meet on the internet." That's true! The Minimalists blog is the source for several of the most important relationships I've developed over the past decade--long-term business and personal relationships birthed through this blog.
You'll be more confident. Becker writes "Blogging will allow you to gain more confidence in your life." Soon you will realize you're a worthy person with your own unique perspective and something valuable to be able to share with others. This is true! Writing helps us to understand the lives we live and the results of our choices.
3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Start a Blog
You now have 15 reasons to create a blog. In addition, we've demonstrated how to start a blog, step-by-step, based on our personal experiences.
After giving you these precise instructions, which can help you save thousands of hours of wasted time In addition, we would like to provide good reasons why you should not begin a blog. These reasons are simply our thoughts and do not represent a complete set of tried and tested blogging strategies.
Money. You shouldn't start a blog to make money. It is important to eliminate that obstacle out of the way first. If your primary objective is to supplement your full-time income from blogging don't think about it. It doesn't work that way.Do you believe that Jimi Hendrix picked up his first guitar so he could "supplement his earnings"? No, he didn't. He did it because he was passionate about it. He did it for the joy satisfaction, satisfaction, and the income that followed--much later, actually.
Notoriety. Don't plan on getting "Internet famous" right away. It's not every site that grows at the same rate as we did, but that's fine. We were blessed. We found a fantastic domain name, we cobbled together a logo and website design that people liked, we write fairly effectively, and our posts was a hit with users in an unusual way.We didn't start this site to make it "famous," though. That would be a stretch. The reason we started this website was to be bloggers and spread messages. We were surprised at how well-known we were. It was due to luck and dedication.
Traffic. Traffic isn't always the best traffic. Don't be concerned about getting thousands of readers instantly. Create meaningful creations and eventually the audience will show up if you are helping people with their issues. In other words, focus on providing value and not just increasing traffic.
It's amazing that these things are possible. Building a blog could be enough to make a full-time living. This is something that we've done, Corbett Barr does, and many others. It is possible to be a well-known blogger on the Internet such as Chris Brogan or Leo Babauta.
If these are your sole motives behind starting your blog, you'll be miserable as it will feel like being a job. If it's a job, you won't feel passionate about it, which means you'll dislike it or fail to impress your readers (or both).
Instead, turn into a blogger and write what you're passionate about it...
How can you create your own blog without spending a dime?
The best part is that creating a blog is free with WordPress. All you have to purchase is hosting, as outlined in the step-by-step instructions in the previous paragraph.
You can also set up your own blog using free tools such as Tumblr as well as Blogger. Take note that you may not be able to control your blog's content if it's published on a different website. This is just one of the many reasons we use WordPress.
How often should I blog?
When I teach my students writing, I encourage them to write every day and publishing at least one blog post each week. We typically publish two blog posts every week on the blog. Seth Godin blogs every single day.
We advise you to remain consistent regardless of your activities. You can establish accountability with your partners (your readers) by setting your writing routine for the week. This will allow you to feel more motivated to write, even if you don't want to.
What should my first blog post be about?
Avoid grandiosity. Beware of throat clearing. The goal statement for your first blog post doesn't have to be extravagant. Your blog's first post doesn't need to be boring. It can be an introduction to your blog.
Instead, pick a topic that interests you and write about the subject. Use the prompts in the "What should I blog about" section.
For reference, you can read the first blog post of this blog in the year 2010: Be on the Mountain.
How do you introduce yourself in your blog?
Don't worry about making yourself known in every blog article. Instead, create an "about" page for new readers to refer to if they're interested in learning more about you, your background and the projects you are involved with. For an example, check out the Minimalists About page. Derek Sivers, our friend has a wonderful Now page that might work for you.
What is the reason blogs fail?
Blogs can fail for at most three reasons:
Bloggers aren't expecting much. If you begin an online blog today and anticipate millions of readers in the next few days, you're making yourself vulnerable to failing. If your motivation is genuine and you're trying to add value to the world, you will discover that your expectations will change.
Some bloggers don't add value. Instead of focusing on metrics like numbers of followers or subscribers, The Minimalists focus on adding value to our audience. If you help people solve issues, results will result from that and not the reverse.
Some bloggers put money first. It's fine to earn money from your blog (we do) however, it shouldn't be the main objective. Blogs that are successful make money. great blogs make a difference. Another way to say it this way: money is its spot in the car, but is not the primary driver.